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September 28, 2005

Growing opposition to bill seeking further habeas restrictions

Thanks to How Appealing, I saw this LA Times article detailing that both the Judicial Conference of the United States and the ABA this week have sent letters to Senators opposing the proposed Streamlined Procedures Act, which could significantly limit habeas appeals.  As previously noted here, the Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform has created this very helpful webpage about the legislation; there you can find the Judicial Conference letter and the ABA letter, as well as a lot of other information and links.

Here are some prior posts covering these issues:

September 28, 2005 at 01:26 PM | Permalink


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Conservatives and Republicans will continue to push habeas corpus reforms as long as DEMS and liberals delay and place unreasonable blockades to implementation of the death penalty as a legitimate sentence, justifying their behavior on the fact they personally oppose the death penalty.

Conservatives certainly see what the left is up to..delay, delay, delay ...praying that 5 members of the Supreme Court will do what the people of this country oppose - outlaw the death penalty. This sort of activism is what is creating a backlash of conservative activism that is just starting to grow. The left in this country would outlaw the death penalty in a hollywood minute so this is simply push back to repeated abuse of the system by wrongheaded but principled leftists.

Like it or not, that is the answer to the question as to WHY? The rest is simply window-dressing in legalese.

Posted by: Don | Sep 29, 2005 3:58:50 PM

For those interested in taking action against the Streamlined Procedures Act, check out The Justice Project’s action alert at: http://ga3.org/campaign/habeas?source=blog

Website visitors in a number of states can now take action against this bill by sending a letter to key Senate Judiciary Committee targets from our website. The targeted senators are from CA, DE, KS, MA, NY, OH, PA, SC, VT and WI, and anyone living in those states can take action. We would like to demonstrate to the senators the widespread opposition to the bill and need your help. http://ga3.org/campaign/habeas?source=blog

Posted by: JoAnna Moskal | Oct 4, 2005 2:35:12 PM

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