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September 8, 2005

Heading to where Blakely is taken very seriously

Today is a travel day as I head to North Carolina to participate Friday in an all day Blakely/Booker-fest put on by the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers.  Details on this event, entitled "What To Do After Booker and Blakely," are available here.

I am quite excited to be heading to North Carolina, in part because I think so highly of the state's post-Blakely work in both the legislature and the judiciary.  As detailed in this post, North Carolina's legislature has enacted a Blakely fix that provides for jury determination of aggravating factors, and North Carolina's Supreme Court has thoughtfully applied Blakely to the state's sentencing system and has also held that Blakely error is structural and cannot be harmless.

Though I hope to get on-line late Thursday, blogging will likely be light through the weekend.  If you need a sentencing fix, check out some new-and-improved pages on Blakely in the states assembled here (including this entry to get into a Carolina mood).  Or consider taking the time to read my forthcoming Stanford Law Review piece on offense-offender issues or to cruise all the sentencing action around the blogosphere.  In addition, it is never too early to start gearing up for next week's confirmation hearings for Judge Roberts by reviewing the current SCOTUS sentencing head-count and other recent Supreme Court coverage collected here and here and here.

In addition, with the big OSU-Texas game now only days away, true sentencing-football afficionados can start pondering whether the scarlet look of this blog will inspire the Buckeyes more than the burnt orange cover of the federal guidelines manual inspires the Longhorns.

September 8, 2005 at 08:45 AM | Permalink


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If I could go to the game, I'd definitely bring a copy of the federal guidelines to wave instead of a big foam finger ... Hook 'em, baby!

Posted by: Scott | Sep 8, 2005 12:58:51 PM

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