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September 22, 2005
Off to NYC for Booker seminar
I am about to travel to New York City so I can participate tomorrow in this great Booker seminar sponsored by the New York State Bar Association. Though I hope to get on-line at times while away, blogging will likely be light through the weekend.
Readers needing a sentencing fix are encouraged to check out the latest issue of the Federal Sentencing Reporter, which asks "Is a Booker Fix Needed?". Also, I have recapped some recent notable recent developments and commentary below.
- Does Roberts question modern 8th Amendment jurisprudence?
- Roberts' wrap up
- Assailing the lack of criminal justice questions at the Roberts hearing
- Will the next SCOTUS nominee have any criminal law background?
- Will stare decisis save the A-T prior conviction exception?
- Is the Booker remedy here to stay?
- Major 9th Circuit ruling on prior conviction exception
- More on consideration of state-federal disparity after Booker
- Invigorating the sentencing process after Booker
- Third Circuit to examine en banc Blakely's impact on restitution
- Ninth Circuit officially holds Booker not retroactive
September 22, 2005 at 10:26 AM | Permalink
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