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October 16, 2005
Mark your Booker calenders
In addition to lots of exciting football, this fall brings a number of exciting Booker events to campuses. In the coming weeks, I have the honor of participating in Booker programs at Arizona State College of Law and the at the University of Houston Law Center. As detailed at this link, the ASU event is entitled "Blakely and Booker: End or New Beginning of Sentencing Guidelines? " and takes place on November 4. The Houston event, which has a brochure available here, is entitled "The Booker Project : The Future of Federal Sentencing" and takes place on November 18.
In addition, I see from this link that the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy has a Booker panel as part of its November 5 symposium entitled "The Latest Developments in the War on Drugs." (This document details that panel's top-flight participants.) Anyone who cannot wait until November for Booker gatherings should recall that, as detailed in this post, the Roger Williams University Law School has a great looking event later this month entitled "Symposium on Sentencing Rhetoric: Competing Narratives in the Post-Booker Era."
October 16, 2005 at 04:15 PM | Permalink
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