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October 14, 2005
Miers hitting the (sentencing?) books
This article from Knight Ridder Newspapers examines, a bit more seriously than Feddie, how Miers will be preparing for her confirmation hearings. The article says she will soon "turn her attention to a half-dozen thick briefing books on the most contentious constitutional issues before the court." This piece confirms my suggestion that Miers has a lot of reading to catch up on, and I wonder how much of that reading has to do with sentencing issues.
I am sure the "thick briefing books" include a section on capital punishment, but I really wonder if they contain any extended discussion of Blakely or Booker. In light of the lack of criminal justice questions at Roberts' confirmation hearing, I suspect that the briefing books are light on criminal justice issues. That, in turn, might make it especially valuable for Senators to focus on criminal justice topics to see how Miers could handle questions on such issues during the hearings.
Related posts on Miers' nomination:
October 14, 2005 at 04:00 PM | Permalink
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