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October 13, 2005
New resource examining religion and the death penalty
Earlier this week, I explored the relationship between Miers, religion, and criminal justice issues. Today, thanks to this item at DPIC, I see that the Fall 2005 issue of the Christian Networks Journalan explores religion and sentencing in the particular context of the death penalty. The contents of the issue, which has a series of articles under the title "Shalt Thou Kill?: An In-Depth Look at Capital Punishment," can be seen at this link. Here is the Journal's description of the issue:
In this issue we look in-depth at the death penalty in America. We hear from all sides on this often divisive issue, for the purpose of understanding the realities of the present day system, its strengths and its flaws. We have talked with supporters, detractors, clergy, lawyers, people currently serving sentences on death row, people once condemned to death but later exonerated, and in the case of Robert Shields, a death row inmate who was alive when we printed this edition but will have been executed by the time this issue is in your hands.
October 13, 2005 at 07:10 PM | Permalink
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