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October 2, 2005
Some September sentencing highlights
With the start of classes and a lot of other stuff going on, I have not been able to do the weekly reviews that were common over the summer (recent examples here and here and here). But I was able to find a bit of time this afternoon to review some September sentencing highlights.
- The current SCOTUS sentencing head-count
- Assailing the lack of criminal justice questions at the Roberts hearing
- Can Roberts bring consensus to SCOTUS sentencing jurisprudence?
- Criminal justice in Roberts' written testimony
- Will the next SCOTUS nominee have any criminal law background?
- How would a Justice Gonzales or a Justice Thompson handle sentencing issues?
- A criminal law perspective on Janice Rogers Brown
- Have Blakely and Booker depressed federal prosecutions?
- More strong work on the crack disparity issue
- More on consideration of state-federal disparity after Booker
- A judicious retort to AG Gonzales' proposed Booker fix
- Is the Booker remedy here to stay?
- Invigorating the sentencing process after Booker
- Will stare decisis save the A-T prior conviction exception?
- FSR Issue asks: Is a Booker Fix Needed?
- Other Booker in the Circuits posts
- Growing opposition to bill seeking further habeas restrictions
- Pondering white-collar sentencing
- More pardons from President Bush
- Creative (and effective?) shaming
- Notable Indiana ruling on implementing Atkins
- Fine commentary on SCOTUS and the death penalty
- More academic thoughts on the offense/offender distinction
October 2, 2005 at 07:46 PM | Permalink
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Link: Sentencing Law and Policy: Some September sentencing highlights. Today's news reports that in Angola prison's 5,000 population, over 3,000 have life without parole and most of the rest have sentences that are longer than life expectancies. [Read More]
Tracked on Oct 2, 2005 10:46:37 PM