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November 1, 2005
Around the blogosphere
Interesting times bring lots of interesting sentencing items around the blogosphere:
- Jonathan Soglin has a number of interesting new posts at Criminal Appeal, and this post updating the state of state Blakely cases in the Supreme Court is a must-read.
- TalkLeft has a pair of interesting posts here and here exploring what a Justice Alito might mean for SCOTUS criminal cases.
- Tom Kirkendall at Houston's Clear Thinkers has additional comments here on the Fifth Circuit's reversal of Jamie Olis' sentence (which I discussed here late last night).
- The Second Circuit blog here laments the Second Circuit's recent decision to "uphold as 'reasonable' the BOP's odd & stingy interpretation of the good-conduct time statute."
- Votelaw and TalkLeft both note a recent Iowa court decision which upheld Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack's executive order restoring voting rights to all felons who have served their state sentences.
November 1, 2005 at 11:00 AM | Permalink
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