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November 13, 2005
More coverage of Alito's criminal law rulings
This morning's Newark Star-Ledger brings us this article providing more coverage of Judge Alito's work in criminal cases through his 15 years on the Third Circuit. Here is the heart of the article's analysis:
If the decision is close, Alito tends to side with law enforcement and rarely treads new ground, according to interviews with legal scholars and a review of more than two dozen opinions he has written in the past 15 years.
Some recent related posts:
November 13, 2005 at 08:46 AM | Permalink
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» Judge Alito: Criminal Opinions Reflect His Days as Prosecutor from TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime
The Newark Ledger today has an analysis of more than 200 opinions Judge Alito authored on criminal law during his 15 years on the bench. As senators and advocacy groups pore over legal writings by Alito, the New Jersey native... [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 13, 2005 6:47:24 PM