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November 30, 2005
Of sentencing interest in Alito questionnaire
Everyone can now access Judge Sam Alito's responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee's questionnaire at this link, and there are some interesting sentencing snippets in the document. For example, Alito reports his status from 1988 to 1993 as an Advisory Board Member for the Federal Sentencing Reporter (when he wrote two interesting pieces for FSR discussed here and here). Also, Alito lists his time as a member of the Constitution Project Sentencing Initiative as "2004 – present," which perhaps answers my query about whether he will continue to serve on this project as it continues to explore the impact of Blakely, Booker and the future of federal sentencing reform.
Relatedly, I see that, toward the end of long response about sppeches and talks, Judge Alito notes this event:
Panel discussion on sentencing sponsored by the Constitution Project and the American Constitution Society, March 9, 2005, Washington, DC. Judge Paul Friedman of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Nancy Gertner of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, and I participated in a panel discussion on federal sentencing. The panel discussed the effect of United States v. Booker, 125 S. Ct. 738 (2005) on the future of federal sentencing. A transcript of the panel discussion is supplied.
I recall noting this event way back when, but I never knew there was a transcript. And I have now discovered that along with other materials, the Constitution Project has the transcript of this March event available at this link. The transcript reveals that, though Judge Alito speaks only a few times during the event, all of his comments are knowledgeable and insightful and non-committal (and only a bit dated).
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November 30, 2005 at 01:24 PM | Permalink
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» Blog Round-Up - Friday, December 1st from SCOTUSblog
In nomination news: Here is the 64 page questionnaire Judge Alito submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sentencing Law & Policy responds to the sentencing issues in the questionnaire here. On FindLaw, Rick Hasen has this post titled, "One Person... [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 1, 2005 9:06:04 AM
» Blog Round-Up - Thursday, December 1st from SCOTUSblog
In nomination news: Here is the 64 page questionnaire Judge Alito submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sentencing Law & Policy responds to the sentencing issues in the questionnaire here. On FindLaw, Rick Hasen has this post titled, "One Person... [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 1, 2005 9:57:46 AM