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November 3, 2005

Still more on Judge Alito's criminal justice record

As I noted here, Judge Alito's work on criminal justice matters is already the subject of considerable scrutiny.  In addition to matters discussed in prior posts linked below, consider this article from the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation which defends Judge Alito's work upholding a death sentencing in the Rompilla case and assails the Supreme Court's reversal of Judge Alito's decision. 

Relatedly, this New York Times article reviews Judge Alito's dissenting opinions on the Third Circuit and concludes that he "generally deferred to what he called the good faith judgments of other participants in the justice system, including police officers, prosecutors, prison wardens, trial judges and juries.  He appeared particularly reluctant to order new trials over what he called harmless errors in the presentation of evidence or in jury instructions."

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November 3, 2005 at 01:24 AM | Permalink


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