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November 21, 2005

Still more on Alito and the death penalty

Thanks to Howard Bashman, you can access at this link the full text of an article by Brent Kendall in Friday's Daily Journal of California entitled "Alito Could Swing Death Decisions to the Right."  Also courtesy of Howard, this article from the Lawrence Journal-World provides a great primer on a capital case from Kansas (Kansas v. Marsh) that a Justice Alito could ultimately "swing," although the case is initially to be argued before Alito's confirmation hearings.  The hair-raising comments to the Kansas article (scroll down) also highlight why, despite my posts suggesting otherwise, the American culture of the death may never change.

Related posts on Alito:

Related posts on Kansas v. Marsh:

November 21, 2005 at 05:16 PM | Permalink


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» Could Alito swing death decisions to the right? from Inside Opinions: Legal Blogs
Yesterday, blogfather Howard Bashman recommended Brent Kendall's article, Alito Could Swing Death Decisions to the Right, from The Daily Journal of California. Sentencing Law professor Doug Berman responds by thanking Bashman and linking to his own ser... [Read More]

Tracked on Nov 22, 2005 5:07:09 PM


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