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December 12, 2005
Beyond the usual death penalty arguments?
As you can now see from scrolling down here, I am scheduled to appear on Minnesota Public Radio tomorrow morning at 10am EST as a guest on the show Midmorning. As described to me, the topic for the show is "capital punishment, a conversation beyond the usual arguments for and against the death penalty." This comment over at Volokh may provide a flavor of the kinds of ideas that I hope might come up during the live call-in show.
I suspect there will be plenty of talk about the high-profile debate over Tookie Williams and the 1000th execution and the new evidence of innocents having been executed. But I hope to explore the possible impact of changing politics and culture around the death penalty, and I might even try to make the full case for a whole new structure for federal capital appeals.
December 12, 2005 at 06:14 PM | Permalink
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