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December 7, 2005

Counterpoint on Alito and the death penalty

A few weeks ago, Berkeley law prof Goodwin Liu wrote an LA Times commentary that was highly critical of the work of Judge Sam Alito in capital cases during his tenure as a Third Circuit judge.  This morning (on a day in which SCOTUS is hearing two capital cases), George Mason law prof Horace Cooper has this responsive commentary over at Townhall.com.  Examining the same cases that Liu criticized, Cooper concludes that they may simply reveal that Alito "is unwilling to join in the national campaign by elites to water down or erode the administration of capital punishment."

Along with extensive coverage of the death penalty at this archive, below are linked prior posts exploring Alito and the death penalty:

December 7, 2005 at 08:22 AM | Permalink


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Excellent summary. Thanks.

Posted by: Jackson | Dec 8, 2005 10:07:11 PM

Cooper's response devolves into an ad hominen and non-sensical attack on Professor Liu... somehow he goes from criticizing Liu's methodology of examining Alito's death penalty habeas opinions to concluding that Liu (and other critics of Alito) are "radical and undemocratic" and "counter-cultur[al] and anticapitalist."

Posted by: anon | Dec 12, 2005 11:44:31 AM

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