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December 14, 2005

Latest FSR issue on Blakely in the States

I am pleased to announce that another issue of the Federal Sentencing Reporter is at the press.  This latest issue shifts FSR  briefly away from the Booker beat — which we've covered in our last two issues examining "The Booker Aftershock" and "Is a Booker Fix Needed?" — and back to the Blakely beat.  Recall that, in the months after the Blakely decision, FSR produced three Blakely issues, which are discussed here and here and here.  (General information about ordering FSR is here and the journal can accessed electronically here.)   

The return to the Blakely beat has this latest FSR issue focused on the "State of Blakely in the States."  As you can see from the issue's contents, which are listed below, the amazing editorial team of Prof. Steve Chanenson and The Vera Institute's Dan Wilhelm has assembled a fantastic collection of original articles on how the Blakely earthquake has rumbled through the states. 

The materials in this FSR issue reinforce my sense that the story of Blakely in the states is even more conceptually rich and dynamic than the story of Booker in the federal system.  And, for a conceptual rich and dynamic overview of state Blakely matter, be sure to read this FSR issue's Editors' Observations, which can be downloaded below.



December 14, 2005 at 07:43 PM | Permalink


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Posted by: | Oct 14, 2008 9:57:36 PM

The return to the Blakely beat has this latest FSR issue focused on the "State of Blakely in the States." As you can see from the issue's contents, which are listed below, the amazing editorial team of Prof. Steve Chanenson and The Vera Institute's Dan Wilhelm has assembled a fantastic collection of original articles on how the Blakely earthquake has rumbled through the state

Posted by: mbt | Feb 13, 2011 6:05:25 AM

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