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December 14, 2005
The next death penalty debates in California
In this post, I made the obvious point that debates over the death penalty will rage on after the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams on Tuesday. And thanks to this post at How Appealing collecting news stories, I see that death debates haven't even take a breather in California:
- This story explains that "Clarence Ray Allen, the next inmate scheduled to die in San Quentin State Prison's execution chamber, may pose a quandary as vexing for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Stanley Tookie Williams."
- This story explains that California "State legislators in early January will consider what is likely to be a contentious proposal to postpone executions for as long as three years. On Jan. 10, an Assembly committee plans to consider legislation that would place a moratorium on executions until a special commission finishes examining whether California's criminal justice system allows innocent people to be convicted."
December 14, 2005 at 02:01 PM | Permalink
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