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December 12, 2005

The next issue in sentencing of juveniles?

When the Roper decision by the Supreme Court eliminated the death penalty for juvenile offenders, I pondered in this post whether and how age might become a significant consideration in some non-capital sentencing decisions.  This interesting article from Michigan suggests that the public strongly believes juvenile offender's do not merit other extremely harsh sentences:

According to a new study from the Wayne State University School of Social Work, many Michigan residents disapprove of state policies on sentencing juveniles. The study, authored by Assistant Professors Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak and Terrence Allen, and Associate Professor Anthony King, all of the School of Social Work, found that 95 percent of Michigan citizens opposed juveniles being sentenced to life without parole (LWOP).

Allen presented the study at the Michigan Capitol Oct. 25, where state Sen. Liz Brater, D-Ann Arbor, introduced a bill that would prohibit sentencing an individual under age 18 to imprisonment for life without the possibility of parole....

According to a recent ACLU report, over 300 youth have been sentenced to LWOP in Michigan since 1988, making it the state with the third highest number of youth sentenced to adult correctional facilities.  Additionally, Michigan is one of only 11 states that allow minors of any age to be tried and sentenced as adults.

December 12, 2005 at 09:20 AM | Permalink


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Of course, since Michigan has no death penalty, this may be a logical way of applying Simmons in such states.

Posted by: keith | Dec 12, 2005 11:55:12 AM

I am in Texas and do not know what to do about my cousin's situation. He is in prison for something he did not do all because of who he was associated with. He was 16 and this was 10 years ago that he recieved a life sentence for something he did not do. I have been trying to get representation for him but was charged 20,000.00. Texas is so expensive. I have tried the innocent project but it has been months and no response yet. I was hoping to get some probono attorney in helping me in the matter, but seem like it is not going to happen. I have sent letters to Austin, and the Supreme Court and the presiding judge, noting yet. I don't know what to do. Just seems like when you don't have enough money, you want get the help that you need.

Posted by: tonya | Jul 23, 2008 9:22:53 AM

He was in trouble at age 15 for burlaries. When he went to court at 16 for murder, he recived the same judge and prosecutor, that told him "I am going to get you!"

Posted by: tonya | Jul 23, 2008 9:24:46 AM

I have a friend who was also there and found it really hard to get rid of it. This situation will going to be worse because innocent people are really suffering alot now a days.

John Glenn

Posted by: John Glenn | Aug 5, 2008 7:20:08 AM

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Posted by: | Oct 14, 2008 9:53:37 PM

I have a son who has been placed in county jail for 89 days now.judge wouldnt reduce bail.involved in robbery with b.b. gun.he is fifteen two two adults were involved in the roberies.he is being tried as an adults.no one was hurt.and i to can not get any help.in that 6 by 8 foot cell with only one and a half hours a day out.he is starting to see and hear clowns talk to him.theres just no help or reconigition for our children any more.

Posted by: cindy | Jun 2, 2010 8:41:17 PM

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