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December 15, 2005

The number 1,000,000 in sentencing perspective

I see from my site-meter summary that this afternoon I passed 1,000,000 total visits since the meter started running about 18 months ago.  That milestone prompts me not only to thank all of my readers for their support and encouragement, but also to do a Harper's Index, sentencing style:

Number of persons executed in modern US death penalty era: 1004

Number of persons on death row in the US: 3415

Number of federal sentences imposed in fiscal year 2004: 70,068

Number of persons in US serving life imprisonment: 132,000

Number of persons released from US prisons each year: 630,000

Number of felony sentences in state court in 2002: 1,051,000

Number of prisoners in federal or state prisons or jails at the end of 2004: 2,135,901

Number of persons supervised on probation or parole at the end of 2004: 4,916,480

December 15, 2005 at 04:11 PM | Permalink


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