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January 12, 2006
Encouraging reaction to crack sentencing report
I am very pleased to see, especially today on the one-year anniversary of Booker, that the Sentencing Project's valuable new report, "Sentencing with Discretion: Crack Cocaine Sentencing After Booker (discussed here, available here), has generated at least one encouraging congressional reaction. This Wall Street Journal article's discussion of the report includes this extraordinarily heartening passage:
Sen. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican, said he intended to introduce a bill this year that will propose changing the law to reduce the disparity between the amounts of crack cocaine and powder cocaine necessary to give a defendant the same sentence.... "I still believe the guidelines are not appropriate on crack and powder cocaine," said Sen. Sessions. "I think we need to make some improvements there based on the reality of what's going on in the courts of America. This study does seem to indicate that judges would tend more to the 20-to-one ratio rather than 100-to-one."
Other coverage of the report is available from TalkLeft and from the AP.
January 12, 2006 at 07:56 AM | Permalink
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