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January 7, 2006
Gearing up for House v. Bell
As noted in this January preview, the Supreme Court this Wednesday will hear argument in House v. Bell, another capital case raising innocence-related issues. A very knowledgeable colleague has called House "a hugely important case, the 'sleeper' of this Term perhaps. "
For background on the facts, the Washington Post today has this long article titled "High Court to Consider DNA Innocence Claim; Death Row Prisoner Wants New Trial." For background on the law, you can access the parties' briefs here, and I have provided for downloading below a copy of the ABA's amicus brief in support of the defendant. In addition, the Medill School of Journalism provides here the questions presented and a range of links.
Download aba_amicus_brief_in_house.pdf
January 7, 2006 at 05:25 PM | Permalink
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