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January 4, 2006
Lots of notable Alito news
As this AP report details, Judge Alito has just received a unanimous well-qualified rating from the American Bar Association. Meanwhile, the People For the American Way, which is advocating "Judge Alito Must Not be Confirmed", has just released a 150+ page pre-hearing report attacking Judge Alito's record. Not surprisingly, as revealed in the report's executive summary, PFAW is not focused on sentencing issues while making its case.
Those interested in the sentencing and criminal justice angles on Alito should be sure to check out this post, where I have assembled my coverage of Alito/SCOTUS work in the crime and sentencing arenas. Those interested in culinary angles on Alito should should be sure to check out this article, which explores the success of the coffee named Alito Bold Justice. (Based on this success, I suppose it is only a matter of time before Taco Bell adds to its value menu an Alito Burrito.)
January 4, 2006 at 01:25 PM | Permalink
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Ahead of confirmation hearings next week, Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito received a unanimous ?w [Read More]
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