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January 4, 2006
Resentencing for Jamie Olis (but not for his co-conspirators) postponed
As detailed in this updated AP story, the "day before he was to re-sentence Jamie Olis, U.S. District Judge Sim Lake called a surprise hearing to tell Olis' lawyers and prosecutors that he wanted to hear expert testimony first." Lots of background on this case can be found in this post, and Tom Kirkendall already has this strong analysis of Judge Lake's decision to take more time to review recently-filed materials relating to the key loss issues.
Notably, the AP article states: "Olis' two co-conspirators will be sentenced Thursday, but Olis will wait until later this month, Lake said." Here is why their sentencings should still be quite interesting:
[Still] to be sentenced Thursday are two other former Dynegy executives charged in the scheme — Olis' former boss, Gene Foster, and former in-house Dynegy accountant Helen Sharkey. Both pleaded guilty to conspiracy in August 2003.
Prosecutors recommended that Foster, who testified against Olis, serve 2 1/2 years in prison and that Sharkey serve 18 months. But lawyers for Foster and Sharkey want Lake to sentence each to probation, or a combination of probation and home confinement for Sharkey, who gave birth last month to twin boys.
January 4, 2006 at 06:01 PM | Permalink
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» Jamie Olis resentencing hearing postponced from Houston's Clear Thinkers
The long-awaited resentencing hearing in the sad case of Jamie Olis that was scheduled to take place on January 5 has been postponed indefinitely to give U.S. District Judge Sim Lake time to review recently-filed materials in the case relating... [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 4, 2006 6:12:01 PM
» Jamie Olis resentencing hearing postponed from Houston's Clear Thinkers
The long-awaited resentencing hearing in the sad case of Jamie Olis that was scheduled to take place today has been postponed indefinitely to give U.S. District Judge Sim Lake time to review recently-filed materials in the case relating to the... [Read More]
Tracked on Jan 5, 2006 2:48:48 PM