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February 28, 2006
Coverage of Ohio Blakely ruling
Yesterday's AP story on the Ohio Supreme Court's big Blakely decision in Foster (basics here, commentary here) just barely covered the essentials. But this morning, all of the local Ohio papers provide much fuller and more effective coverage. This article in the Cincinnati Enquirer is especially effective, with background on Ohio law and the Foster ruling, lots of quote from key players, and this effective summary:
The decision technically is a victory for defendants who had argued that the guidelines were unfair because they allowed judges to impose sentences based on evidence not considered by a jury. But by throwing out the old rules, the Supreme Court gave judges much more power to sentence criminals as they choose. Prosecutors and defense attorneys say that's bad news for defendants.
Additional effective coverage appears in the Columbus Dispatch, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and the Akron Beacon Journal.
February 28, 2006 at 07:55 AM | Permalink
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