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February 4, 2006
Gearing up the Moussaoui trial
Anyone interested in gearing up for the Monday start of the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person charged in the United States with a crime for a role in the September 11 terrorist attacks, will want to check out this CNN story and this AP story and this timeline of major events and this Wikipedia entry.
UPDATE: The New York Times now has this article on the upcoming Moussaoui trial.
MORE: How Appealing has a helpful collection of additional Moussaoui coverage here.
February 4, 2006 at 09:02 PM | Permalink
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Proclaiming "I am al-Qaeda," terrorist conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui disrupted the opening of his s [Read More]
Tracked on Feb 7, 2006 6:18:15 AM
(Graduated Student / Law Clerk) Professor Berman, those links really helped me catch up - thanks. I realize this may be a very simple question, but will Judge Brinkema be presiding over the sentencing phase as well? I assume this is so, but haven't found any other references on the matter.
Also, who do you have winning the Super Bowl today?
Posted by: Eric | Feb 5, 2006 1:33:12 PM
Eric, I think it will be Judge Brinkema and the Seahawks, respectively.
Posted by: Doug B. | Feb 5, 2006 2:32:47 PM