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March 15, 2006
Quotes from Sensenbrenner press conference
The latest version of this AP piece on the USSC's Booker report and congressional reaction now has these additional notable passages:
Sensenbrenner said at a news conference Wednesday that House Republicans are contemplating several pieces of legislation to rein in what he said were lenient judges, although it will be months before a proposal is drafted and introduced.
Rep. Howard Coble, R-N.C., chairman of a House subcommittee on crime, said that last year Chief Justice William Rehnquist advised him to hold up on any congressional action until enough time had passed to gauge the effect of the ruling. Rehnquist died last September. "He suggested that we keep our powder dry, be calm and deliberate, which we've done," Coble said. "We are not guilty of knee-jerk reactions."
UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire blog has this blurb about this brouhaha, which includes this discussion of the press conference:
[S]ome Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee held a press conference Wednesday to reiterate their concern that sentences are more lenient than Congress intended, especially for sex crimes against children. Florida Republican Tom Feeney said he found it "deplorable that some judges are working to undermine tough legislation that is designed to protect our children."
March 15, 2006 at 03:49 PM | Permalink
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