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March 14, 2006

Sentencing Commission releases Booker report!

Now appearing on the US Sentencing Commission's Booker webpage is the Commission's long-awaited — at least by me — Booker report.  Available at this link, the report is simply entitled "Report on the Impact of United States v. Booker on Federal Sentencing," and the full pdf runs 277 pages(!).  I will, of course, comment at length as I consume what the USSC has to say about the post-Booker world.

UPDATE: There is so much of interest in the USSC Booker report; I am a bit overwhelmed.  The Commission is to be complimented for producing such a massive and detailed report in anticipation for this week's hearings on federal sentencing (background here and here).  From a quick scan, I do not see any concrete recommendations from the USSC in this Booker report, though perhaps that will come in a subsequent documents or in USSC Chair Ricardo Hinojosa's testimony at the House Judiciary Committee hearing (details here).  Also based on a quick scan, here is a notable sound-bite: "The severity of sentences imposed has not changed substantially across time. The average sentence length after Booker has increased."  USSC Report at p. vii.

I now have to dash off to this event, but I hope to be able to comment on the report more this afternoon.

ANOTHER UPDATEI sequestered myself in a local coffee shop for a couple hours this afternoon to consume the USSC Booker report.  I have three basic reactions, which I hope to elaborate upon in subsequent posts:

  1. This is a fantastic report that is a must-read (or at least must-skim) for all policy-makers and practitioners interested in federal sentencing developments.
  2. The report has a lot of intricate analysis, but relatively few broad assessments, of the post-Booker world.
  3. Though the Justice Department might find bits of data from the report to make a case for a Booker fix, I see the report as reinforcing my own view that the post-Booker world is not badly broken.

March 14, 2006 at 11:01 AM | Permalink


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» USSC: "Impact of United States v. Booker on Federal Sentencing" from Puerto Rico Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The United States Sentencing Commission has released a Report on the Impact of United States v. Booker on Federal Sentencing (caveat, the PDF is 277 pages). Professor Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy has an initial post on this here in which he stat... [Read More]

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