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March 29, 2006

South Carolina bill proposes death for repeat child molesters

As discussed in this recent post, a bill making repeat child molesters eligible for the death penalty has been moving forward in Oklahoma.  And now, as detailed in this AP story and this additional presss account, a similar bill is advancing in South Carolina.  Here are some details:

The South Carolina Senate agreed Tuesday that twice-convicted child molesters should be eligible for the death penalty, setting aside arguments the move might be unconstitutional.... The proposal was approved as part of a larger bill that sets minimum sentences and lifetime electronic monitoring for some sex offenders. It allows prosecutors to seek the death penalty for sex offenders who are convicted twice of raping a child younger than 11....

Such criminals "don't deserve to be on the face of this earth," said Sen. Jake Knotts, R-West Columbia, the chief sponsor of the bill dubbed the Sex Offender Accountability and Protection of Minors Act. "In a lot of cases, death isn't good enough for them," Knotts said.   Attorney General Henry McMaster ... said he believes South Carolina's proposed law would be found constitutional, and that he would be proud to argue that case.

March 29, 2006 at 01:34 AM | Permalink


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As I've said before, this legislative push to expand the range of crimes for which the death penalty is authorized troubles me, but the death penalty here is probably constitutional.

Trivia: Oklahoma and South Carolina already are the only two states that expressly make dueling a capital crime, distinct from murder. If these bills pass, they'd share another unique capital crime.

Posted by: keith | Mar 29, 2006 11:25:47 AM

This seems to be legislation authorizing the d.p. where the prosecution proves the defendant suffered one or more of a certain class of prior convictions. Nothing more than an offender (as opposed to offense)-based sentencing enhancement. (No Blakely problems here, I gather.) Query whether prior convictions have been used in other contexts to impose the death penalty.

Posted by: anonymous | Mar 30, 2006 6:19:40 PM

We should seek the death penalty for sex offenders who are convicted twice of raping a child younger than 11....
BUT... Why will it be different for those who rape children 11,12 or 13? there children
there babies. Do you consider 11,12 or 13 the age of consent?
Something is wrong here.


Posted by: Clare | Jun 22, 2006 8:57:03 PM

This bill needs to be looked at again and
changed,because being 11, 12, or 13 is still
known as a child to many families in America
and in South Carolina. It seems that this
bill gives sex offenders the upper hand in
making there moves on children.

Posted by: Ashley | Aug 17, 2006 2:36:04 PM

asus s5a battery

Posted by: | Oct 14, 2008 10:49:24 PM

Dr David Kenneth Cochrane Registered Sex Offender Six Counts of rape including minors, three counts of indecent assault all involving patients dating back to the early millennium. Psychiatrist 6 months in Jail, 2 years probation, including 6 month license suspension. Canada North Bay Ontario and now re-employed for the regional health centre.

Posted by: Amanda Sandras | Feb 4, 2012 4:50:21 AM

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