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March 12, 2006
The latest (silly?) front in the lethal injection scrummages
As detailed in this Los Angeles Times article, the latest front in the lethal injection scrummages involved the ACLU asserting that the standard lethal injection protocol violates the First Amendment: "Contending that a drug used during executions prevents inmates from showing their pain by paralyzing them, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit alleging that the procedure violates the 1st Amendment."
Recalling my critiques of recent work by the ABA dealing with the death penalty in Georgia, I react to this lawsuit by wondering whether there aren't bigger First Amendment problems the ACLU could and should be working on these days. Unsurprisingly, this lawsuit is grist for the mill here over at the Stop the ACLU blog.
Some recent related posts:
- The lethal injection debate rages on
- Back to the lethal injection scrum in Morales
- And the lethal injection litigation played on...
- Back to the lethal injection litigation
- More lethal injection scrummages
March 12, 2006 at 02:44 PM | Permalink
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