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March 17, 2006

Where's the USSC's Booker report!?!?

Waldo There is a lot of new stuff at the US Sentencing Commission's website, including testimony from this week's USSC hearing (discussed here) and also news of the National Annual Seminar on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines taking place in Miami from May 31 to June 2, 2006 (brochure here, registration here).  But, as of this writing, there is also a notable omission from the USSC website:

The USSC's 277-page Booker report released earlier this week (discussed here and here) is missing!!

I cannot, as of this writing, find the report anywhere on the USSC's website, and this prior link to the report is now dead.  Perhaps the USSC decided to play its own version of Where's Waldo?, although I think something a bit fishier might be going on.  I am not one inclined to imagine conspiracies, but I certainly will be taking a second look at the Booker report's contents whenever it reappears.

UPDATEI have heard from someone in the know that the USSC, in preparing the Booker report for its final printing, took the report off the web to do one last check for any typographical, technical, or computational errors.  This was my benign guess about what was going on, and I expect we will see the report back up on the web soon.

Also, thanks to everyone who has already sent me a saved copy of the report.  I am truly grateful to have so many kind and thoughtful readers.

March 17, 2006 at 05:27 PM | Permalink


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If you need a copy of the Report as it was originally posted on the Sentencing Commission's site, it is available at:

Peter Schmidt

Posted by: Peter Schmidt | Mar 18, 2006 8:41:35 AM

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