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March 10, 2006

White-collar sentencing and prison realities

The Kansas City Star has this interesting article on the white-collar sentencing world entitled, "About to do time? Let’s pick a prison: White-collar offenders shop the system." The article discusses both federal sentencing and federal prison realities for white-collar offenders.  Here is a snippet:

In past years, white-collar offenders often got off with probation and a warning.  No longer — thanks to harsher sentencing guidelines, tough prosecutors and stern judges.

Now, it's less a question of whether you'll be sentenced to prison, but how long you'll serve and where, with defense lawyers taking nearly a consumer advocacy role helping clients get the lightest sentence possible in the least restrictive prison environment. Usually that means a minimum-security camp close to home.

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March 10, 2006 at 04:19 AM | Permalink


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Posted by: 1 | Mar 10, 2006 10:11:59 AM

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