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April 29, 2006
A couple of compelling capital commentaries
Two great commentaries about capital cases in the news are available on-line this weekend:
- Commenting on the Hill lethal injection case, Ronald Bailey at Reason has this piece, "Killing Me Softly: Is putting down a murderer cruel and unusual?" Here are some potent quotes: "I frankly do not care if pre-meditated murderers experience a few moments of pain on their way to well-deserved oblivion.... As harsh as it sounds, if lethal injection is good enough to end the suffering of a beloved pet, it's probably too good for a pre-meditated murderer."
- Commenting on the on-going Moussaoui case, Howard Bashman at law.com has this thoughtful analysis entitled "Considering a Likely Appeal in the Moussaoui Case." Here is Howard's great closing line: "Whether Moussaoui is crazy or crazy like a fox may never be definitively resolved, but any appeal that follows Moussaoui's sentencing could prove to be almost as fascinating as the events that preceded it in the trial court."
April 29, 2006 at 08:22 PM | Permalink
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