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April 21, 2006

Blogging about scholarship about blogging and scholarship

Marking a true high-tech Seinfeldian moment, this post is to note that all the scholarship being developed for this exciting conference at Harvard Law School on blogs and legal scholarship — entitled "Bloggership: How Blogs Are Transforming Legal Scholarship"  — can now be accessed at this special SSRN page.  (I suppose a true Seinfeldian blog moment would be a post about nothing, but I'll leave that for Larry David to do.)

As law professor who thinks a lot about blogging and legal scholarship, I am finding all the papers for the conference absolutely fascinating.  My own contribution, which can be accessed here and has the working title of "Scholarship in Action: The Power, Possibilities, and Pitfalls for Law Professor Blogs," starts with this abstract:

At the heart of the debate over law blogs as legal scholarship are bigger and more important (and perhaps scarier) questions about legal scholarship and the activities of law professors.  First, the blog-as-scholarship debate raises fundamental questions about what exactly legal scholarship is and why legal scholarship should be considered an essential part of a law professor's vocation. And the key follow-up question is whether blogging should be part of that vocation.  In this paper, I set out a few initial observations about the evolution and value of legal scholarship, and then share some thoughts on the power, possibilities, and pitfalls of law professors blogging to explain why I hope blogging will become an accepted part of a law professor's vocation.

Of course, comments from readers on my paper (or any others by conference participants) would be most welcome.

April 21, 2006 at 01:47 PM | Permalink


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