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April 15, 2006
Blogging news and notes
Lots of blogging news and notes this weekend:
- Blog magnate Paul Caron is celebrating his blog's two-year anniversary. Among Paul's many amazing accomplishments is his average of nearly 50 posts per week for this period. I feel like I post a lot (too much?), but I only achieve about half that production.
- As recently noted by Orin Kerr and Howard Bashman, later this month at Harvard Law School there is a conference on blogs and legal scholarship entitled "Bloggership: How Blogs Are Transforming Legal Scholarship." Details are set forth here, and I have to thank the aforementioned Paul Caron for inviting me to participate.
- Ian Best at 3L Epiphany has impressively assembled here a (comprehensive?) collection of cases that cite legal blogs. Needless to say, I am pleased to discover that this blog, according to Ian, has the "most case citations ... with 21 citations in 17 cases." In addition to thanking Ian for assembling this list, I want to publicly thank all the judges (and clerks) who read and have cited this blog. (Thanks also to Eugene Volokh for noticing.)
UPDATE: Concurring Opinions has a funny riff on 3L Epiphany's blog cite count.
April 15, 2006 at 06:02 PM | Permalink
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