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April 23, 2006

Compelling story about state sentencing inequality

The Dallas Morning News today has this interesting piece entitled "Unequal Justice: Two very different men commit two very different crimes. When both violate probation, there are wildly different results: The robber gets life; the killer remains free."  The article provides an in-depth account about how two offenders have been treated in Texas' criminal punishment system.  One quote in the article sums up my reaction: "This certainly undermines one's confidence in the judicial system around here," said Rick Jordan.

April 23, 2006 at 07:13 AM | Permalink


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The Washington State Department of Revenue posted “Benchmarking Administrative Tax Appeals.” To me, this is quite an interesting article, as it compares the way different states handle their tax appeals – providing a nice procedural overview of 21 sta... [Read More]

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