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April 24, 2006
Full draft of Tweaking Booker
The terrific editors of the Houston Law Review have just sent me a clean copy of the latest proofs of my article on post-Booker federal sentencing entitled "Tweaking Booker: Advisory Guidelines in the Federal System." The piece, which can be downloaded below, perhaps serves as a fitting companion to Judge McConnell's recent article "The Booker Mess" (discussed here) for anyone trying to get up-to-speed on the post-Booker federal sentencing world. Here is a snippet from my introduction:
If writing on a blank slate, few would likely advocate the precise sentencing system resulting from the Supreme Court's decision in Booker. Nevertheless, in this Article, I contend that policymakers should consider playing the peculiar Booker hand that the Court has dealt for federal sentencing. Especially because any significant alteration of the structure of federal sentencing remains legally treacherous and fraught with uncertainty, Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission should focus their efforts and energies on improving the advisory guideline system that Booker has produced. I suggest that, though the sentencing scheme created by Booker is far from perfect, a program of modulated incremental changes is likely to provide the soundest course for the post-Booker development of the federal sentencing system.
Download tweaking_booker_final_draft.pdf
April 24, 2006 at 06:19 PM | Permalink
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At first I thought the headline was a meth reference.
Posted by: Gritsforbreakfast | Apr 25, 2006 8:14:37 AM