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April 30, 2006

More international sentencing reform developments

Continuing my sporadic coverage of international sentencing developments, this article from Scotland caught my eye with its discussion of proposed sentencing reforms.  Here are some snippets from an interesting piece:

Murderers, rapists and drug dealers will face stiffer sentences under a crackdown on serious crime in Scotland. New guidance designed to ensure longer prison terms and consistent sentencing across the country will be issued to judges under plans being drawn up by Labour.

Jack McConnell intends to put law and order at the heart of the party’s manifesto for next year’s Scottish parliament election following accusations that violent criminals are getting off too lightly. Judges would still have discretion to take special circumstances into account and would not be legally bound to adhere to the guidance. However, they could face disciplinary action, including being sacked, if they repeatedly impose sentences that are considered too lenient. The move follows a series of cases in which courts have been criticised for being too soft....

Related posts on international concerns about sentencing disparity:

April 30, 2006 at 08:36 AM | Permalink


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