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April 14, 2006
Moussaoui sentencing news and notes
In part because the MSM is all over the story, I've not given the Moussaoui capital trial much coverage. But, based on press accounts, the last few days of the Moussaoui sentencing hearing have been remarkable.
How Appealing collects here the last news stories discussing Moussaoui's own provocative testimony. And some interesting commentary by various thoughtful folks can be found at FindLaw, at The Huffington Post, and at TalkLeft.
April 14, 2006 at 08:11 AM | Permalink
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I've seen little (in fact none) public explanation by the prosecutors about what they're trying to do and why (you have to buy transcripts), but it seems to come down to "We want to get the jury to hate Moussaoui so much they vote to kill him." It could be as Ed Lazarus enunciates -- "justified as a moral statement of communal outrage" -- but I think that's a little naive. So why don't they enlighten us more articulately on this point? Is it the gag orders?
And God help the judge if she overturns a death verdict.
Posted by: RW | Apr 14, 2006 12:28:44 PM