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April 26, 2006

SCOTUS to enter lethal injection scrummages today

As briefly noted in this post, the Supreme Court hears oral argument today in the lethal injection case of Hill v. McDonough (some background here and here).  As I explained here right after the cert grant, the narrow procedural issue in Hill arguably is not that important (especially if a majority of the Court is prepared to declare most lethal injection protocols constitutional).  But because the Hill cert. grant has already had a ripple effect on lethal injection litigation throughout the country, the stakes in Hill have practically become much higher no matter how the Court decides to approach this case.

The folks at SCOTUSblog have a nice review of the legal issues in Hill, and TalkLeft provides here another blog perspective.  In addition, the media is all over this case with coverage from the Washington Post, AP, Knight Ridder, USAToday, the Christian Science Monitor and many others.  The New York Times adds this editorial entitled "Lethal Cruelty."

I have been following this issue closely, in part because I see Hill and its remarkable aftermath (halted executions in some states but not in others) as exhibit A in the dysfunctionality of litigation over capital punishment.  Here's just an abridged list of recent posts on this topic (from earliest to most recent):



April 26, 2006 at 08:11 AM | Permalink


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