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May 2, 2006
Amazing capital punishment issue of Judicature
While looking for an old Judicature article on line, I discovered that the latest issue of Judicature is devoted entirely to the death penalty and it is entirely available for downloading at this link. Just based on the contributors and the titles of the articles — which are too numerous to mention here — I am going to declare this issue of Judicature an absolute must-read for everyone interested in capital punishment topics. In honor of his amazing work as editor of this issue, I'll close this post by spotlighting the pieces by Professor David McCord. His introduction, which is entitled "The effects of capital punishment on the administration of justice," is available here; his afterword, which is entitled "If capital punishment were subject to consumer protection laws" is available here.
May 2, 2006 at 05:58 PM | Permalink
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