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May 3, 2006

Is blogging about the bluebook scholarship?

As detailed in posts here and here (and in this collection from 3L Epiphany) the law blogger conference at Harvard Law School has produced great debates over whether blogging is scholarship. 

But now the question need to be refined to consider whether blogging about the Bluebook is scholarship, because Ilya Somin is doing a fascinating job taking the Bluebook to task in great posts here and here

Meanwhile, in a fitting ironic twist, blogger Christine Hurt has this interesting piece of (traditional?) scholarhsip posted at SSRN entitled "The Bluebook at Eighteen: Reflecting and Ratifying Current Trends in Legal Scholarship."

May 3, 2006 at 02:55 PM | Permalink


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Louis Menand had the last word on bloated style manuals like the Bluebook in a review of the Chicago Manual of Style in the New York Review of Books in 2003. I'd give the exact cite, but I'd have to pay to get it, so I won't:

"Some people will complain that the new “Chicago Manual” is too long. These people do not understand the nature of style. There is, if not a right way, a best way to do every single thing, down to the proverbial dotting of the “i.” Relativism is fine for the big moral questions, where we can never know for sure; but in arbitrary realms like form and usage even small doses of relativism are lethal. The “Manual” is not too long. It is not long enough. It will never be long enough. The perfect manual of style would be like the perfect map of the world: exactly coterminous with its subject, containing a rule for every word of every sentence. We would need an extra universe to accommodate it. It would be worth it."

Emphasis gleefully supplied.

Posted by: David Lewis | May 3, 2006 5:29:52 PM

Oops, that Menand piece was in the New Yorker.

Posted by: David Lewis | May 3, 2006 5:41:33 PM

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