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May 12, 2006

Third Eighth Circuit reversal of downward variance this week

As it has done two previous times this week (details here and here), the Eighth Circuit today in US v. Gall, No. 05-3001 (8th Cir. May  12, 2006) (available here), has reversed another below-guideline sentence as unreasonable.  The district court who did the sentencing in Gall may be galled to discover that the Eighth Circuit panel disagreed with nearly every one of sentencing court's 3553(a) considerations and judgments.

May 12, 2006 at 11:46 AM | Permalink


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» Eighth Circuit Rejects Another Downward Variance -- This time for Reformed MDMA Distributor from Drug Law Blog
Just as it did two days ago, the Eighth Circuit again rejected a downward variance in sentence for a reformed drug dealer (U.S. v. Gall, No. 05-3001). This time it was an MDMA dealer who had turned his life around [Read More]

Tracked on May 12, 2006 3:28:21 PM


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