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May 5, 2006
Weekend reading (as I head back to off-line land)
After an amazingly stimulating day with Judge Nancy Gertner and her amazingly stimulating students in her Yale Law School sentencing class, I am heading back to off-line land until probably late Sunday. Fortunately, the circuit courts and others have allowed me to leave behind a lot of weekend sentencing reading (since my last re-cap) for those who can be on-line:
- Moussaoui, procedural justice, and jury sentencing involvement
- On the realities and respect for juries
- Second Circuit rules on felon disenfranchisement
- Contrasting posthumous pardon stories
- SCOTUS argument transcript for Recuenco
- Getting excited for Cunningham
- Some 2004 nostalgia from the USSC
- Judge Presnell on fast-track disparity (again)
- Fascinating Ninth Circuit discussion of sentencing councils
- Eleventh Circuit reverses extraordinary substantial assistance departure
- SSRN version of Tweaking Booker
May 5, 2006 at 06:23 PM | Permalink
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