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June 1, 2006
Around the blogosphere
Perhaps energized after a long weekend's extra rest, the legal bloggers are buzzing with lots of stuff that should be of interest to sentencing fans:
- The Conglomerate folks have their on-line symposium about the Enron convictions off to a flying start, and some entries (my Enron sentencing coverage is here).
- Eugene Volokh has this lengthy discussion of news from LA County that a Sheriff's Department "has maintained different [jail] release policies for men and women, even for those convicted of the same crimes."
- Dave Hoffman has this interesting post headlined "Let Markets Help Criminal Defendants" which argues for expanding the use of futures markets as a way to level the informational playing field in plea bargaining.
- Joel Jacobsen is on a roll with a number of provocative posts at Judging Crimes.
June 1, 2006 at 07:17 AM | Permalink
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