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June 29, 2006
Around the blogosphere (Hamdan free)
Nearly every law blog will give you a taste of Hamdan, so I'll fill a gap by noting some interesting coverage of other issues:
- Dan Markel here at PrawfsBlawg recaps the debate over wrongful conviction rates that Dan Filler and I have been conducting (see here and here).
- The Ohio Death Penalty Information Blog has lots of coverage of Ohio's recent tweaking of its execution protocol, as well as other items worth reading.
- Andy Leipold guest-blogging at Volokh has this post summarizing his blogging about his findings of more acquittals in federal bnch trials than in federal jury trials. Andy reasonably speculates that the harshness of the federal sentencing guidelines could be a big part of the story.
June 29, 2006 at 05:19 PM | Permalink
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