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June 11, 2006

Training sentencing judges

This article from Alabama, entitled "Judges await training in sentencing," provides an interesting perspective on one of the challenges that accompany the adoption of a new sentencing system.  Here is a snippet:

It's been two months since Gov. Bob Riley signed into law voluntary sentencing standards for 26 of the most common felonies in Alabama.  Judges don't have to follow the standards but they must show that they considered them.

This is what the new law requires, but over the past two months, the Alabama Sentencing Commission has given only about a dozen judges training on how to use the new standards that give low-level criminals a chance to get treatment instead of hard time. The commission has a lot of judges, lawyers and clerks to educate and comparatively little time to do it. "It's a monumental task with a lot of people to reach," said Rosa Davis, attorney for the Alabama Sentencing Commission, a key player in getting the changes implemented.

June 11, 2006 at 09:27 AM | Permalink


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I am a Paralegal Student and from what I am learning I do believe that the educaiton is neccessary to make sure that there are no breaks in our system so they really need to get on the ball and fullfill the requirements. If it were a lawyer or Paralegal and they did not have all they are required then they would not be able to work.

I think that they need to make sure they are also not violating any of the rights of the victims by not fulling the sentences. I am a strong believer in that the sentence should fit the crime. If someone is found guilty of a crime they need to be correctly sentenced and assisted in then counciled for that problem.

Kathy Chenoweth

Posted by: Kathy Chenoweth | Jun 12, 2006 12:36:16 PM

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