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July 23, 2006
On blogs, clinics and court advocacy
Thanks to law.com, here are two interesting piece about modern developments in court advocacy:
- From Tony Mauro, this piece highlights that a number of highly-regarded law schools "are launching Supreme Court litigation clinics this fall and others, we hear, are not far behind."
- From Howard Bashman, this piece suggests that blogs help make the internet "a vast amicus brief through which legal experts who are otherwise unconnected to pending court cases may potentially influence their outcomes."
Combining the ideas from both these intriguing pieces, I wonder if any law school has thought about launching a legal blogging clinic with an emphasis on court advocacy.
July 23, 2006 at 01:33 AM | Permalink
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that's a powerful idea.
Posted by: anon afpd | Jul 23, 2006 5:11:08 PM
and then Justice will prevail.
Posted by: Welch | Jul 23, 2006 9:16:59 PM
That couldn't be Orin Kerr's blog and your blog that he refers to in the opening paragraphs, now could it?
Posted by: Brian | Jul 24, 2006 3:45:33 PM