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August 26, 2006

New supplement for Sentencing Law and Policy casebook available

As detailed in this post, a few weeks after Booker was handed down, my casebook co-authors Nora Demleitner, Marc Miller and Ron Wright and I were able to finish a 100-page Blakely/Booker special supplement to our main text Sentencing Law and Policy: Cases, Statutes and Guidelines.  (That special supplement, which remains a useful resource for teaching just Blakely and Booker, can still be accessed at this link.) 

But, for the broader stories of Blakely and Booker as a new year gets underway, I am proud to be able to share on-line a new supplement with es additional materials for all the chapters of the Sentencing Law and Policy casebook.  You can download this 2006-2007 supplement (in pdf form) at this link, and it will soon be available at this website supporting our sentencing text.  A second edition of the original casebook is in the works, and should be completed in the first half of 2007.

August 26, 2006 at 05:10 PM | Permalink


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