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September 3, 2006

Another scholarship gap-filler from a student law journal

I just tripped across this (new?) on-line companion to the Michigan Law Review entitled "First Impressions."  Here is how the endeavor is described:

First Impressions, an online companion to the Review, features op-ed length articles by academics and practitioners in order to fill the gap between the blogosphere and the traditional law review article. This extension of our printed pages aims to provide a forum for quicker dissemination of the legal community's first impressions of upcoming and recent judicial decisions.

Criminal law is getting its due in this forum, as the inaugural issue was on the Confrontation Clause.  And the next issue "will discuss the future of the death penalty as decided by Kansas v. Marsh."

First Impressions seems to be an interesting variation on the Harvard Law Review's Forum and the Yale Law Jounal's Pocket Part.  I wonder if there are other projects like these in the works at other law journals.

September 3, 2006 at 07:16 PM | Permalink


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