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September 18, 2006

Is The Volokh Conspiracy The Beatles of blogging?

You have to check out Eugene Volokh's very kind (and cool) post to understand the title of this post. 

What's especially cool is to draw out the parallels he sets up:  SL&P involves a solo artist (like Bob Dylan) who writes many words in posts (like songs) that often seek to comment on political issues and (professional) relationships; The Volokh Conspiracy is a group endeavor that mixes long and short posts,  touching on a broader range of topics, often just to have a good time/tune, though also often with deep political and social significance.  (Also, to be more mundane, consider the parallel "The" status in titles.)

September 18, 2006 at 03:02 PM | Permalink


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Take it from someone who's been hair, there and everywhere - You haven't got the mop to be Bob or the Beatles, professor!

(When all the hootin and hollerin' dies down, really substantive blogs like ODPI will get their 15 minute hearing - and y'all will be trading tracks in the dinosoaur depot.)

Posted by: Scott Taylor | Sep 18, 2006 6:55:22 PM

DAMN she mad nice & thick! She just bad in general! Good 1 to start the week with!

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