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September 27, 2006
New SSRN series on corrections and sentencing
I am pleased to report that a new subject-matter ejournal has been developed at SSRN on the topic of "Corrections & Sentencing Law & Policy." I was honored to be asked to serve on the advisory board, and I am grateful that SSRN papers on topics closest to my research fields will be collected in one place. More details are available here, where you will find this overview:
Corrections and Sentencing Law and Policy Abstracts provides a forum for works-in-progress, abstracts, and completed articles dealing with the broad range of doctrinal, theoretical, and policy issues relating to the punishment, sentencing, and re-entry of convicted criminal offenders. Topics include (but are not limited to) prison and jail conditions and life; prisoners' rights; probation, parole, and re-entry; prison and jail administration; imprisonment and diversionary sentencing, and the death penalty. The journal also invites submissions dealing with the implications of incarceration and other criminal punishments for families, communities, and society as a whole. Contributions from all disciplines are welcome.
September 27, 2006 at 07:10 AM | Permalink
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